Become a Member

Become a member of the Friends of the Blair Museum today and help provide a broader funding base for the Museum. Your membership contribution supports our exhibitions, care of the permanent collection, and special events and programming.


Membership benefits include invitations to special events, the Blair Bulletin, and free tours by advance appointment.


Please print out and complete the attached membership form and mail with your check to:


The Friends of the Blair Museum, Inc.

5403 Elmer Drive

Toledo, Ohio 43615


membership form


Become a volunteer


Please consider volunteering at the Blair Museum. Our volunteers help staff the Museum on weekends and provide tours for our guests. Our docents are one of the most valuable assets of our Museum. Docent enrichment is an April event.


Or volunteer and share your special knowledge and expertise and work with the curator on Museum projects. For more information phone 419-245-1356 or contact


Donate to the Gregory A. Knott Memorial Acquisition Fund


Send your contribution to:


The Gregory A. Knott Memorial Acquisition Fund

Blair Museum of Lithophanes

5403 Elmer Drive

Toledo, OH 43615


Knott Tribute page






Kroger Community Rewards


The easiest way to support the Museum every time you shop. Just register your Kroger Plus Card at Use the organization number 84062. This will not affect your discounts or fuel points. There is no cost to you. Every time you shop with your Kroger Plus Card, Kroger will credit the Museum with a donation. You must re-register every year in April to continue your donations to the Museum.


Kroger Community Rewards